The Enigma of Life by Sir Realist

The Enigma of Life

We all search for meaning and where we belong.

The Enigma of Life is a riddle wrapped in canvas and covered over with paint. One of the largest single canvas paintings I have completed, it represents not just a dreamlike and surreal landscape but a choice and a hunt that we all will make at some point in life. We have to find where we belong and what our purpose is. But the key to our lives is sometimes hidden, and often in plain sight. Getting that key and finding what it fits can be a goliath challenge to the strongest of us. Here we see the key of life, as represented by the symbols inscribed on the giant key. We also see the river of where we will travel and following that river we find the unknown waiting on the other side of the keyhole.

This painting is acrylic on canvas and measures 30″ by 48″

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